N3rdabl3 Review of Gangland – You Decide

N3rdabl3.co.uk is one of the top places for android app reviews on the internet. I am very pleased to say that my app, Gangland You Decide, has recently been reviewed by them. To check out the review please click: http://www.n3rdabl3.co.uk/2012/06/review-gang-land-choose-your-own.html

Updates for You Decide Games


I have been a bit busy lately, so have not had chance to blog for a while. The first thing to mention is that a couple of weeks ago I released updates for two of my games. Here are the details:

Zombie Survival: Second chapter added, which doubles the length of the story. This chapter sees your rescue helicopter crash land, leaving you in the middle of nowhere with a group of other survivors, trying to fend of the zombie masses. There are tough choices to make and grisly ends if you don’t make the right calls.

First Date:  This update adds the option to play from the perspective of a girl. It is a completely new story line, which again is about the same length as the original game. You have to decide what you are going to where, how to behave with your date and try to get through the whole thing without it all going horribly wrong.

These updates are available to download now from the android appstore. 

I will be adding extra chapters onto my apps in the future, keep an eye out on this blog for more details nearer the time. Please post a comment below if there are any things you are particularly dying to see in the next updates.
